My sister and I went to see Cirque du Soleil's
Kooza yesterday! This is the second Cirque performance I've been to, and it was everything I expected.

This picture was way too expensive, but it's one of the few pictures of myself that I actually like. My sister, on the other hand, hates the way she looks in it, so she asked me to blur her face.
In knitting news, I've been working on my very first sweater. I figure since I'm dating the guy from
Sweater Project it would be good to make my own sweater. It's not quite as impressive as
his, but so far I'm happy with it.

It's about six inches longer than this now, but it's tough to take a picture of it while it's still on my only available #4 circ, which is only 24". I may be skinny, but I'm not
that skinny. I'm using
Knitware's sweater designer v.2.5, which is a very cool program. The yarn is a nylon/acrylic/angora rabbit blend that used to be a huge cowl-neck Old Navy sweater that I got at Goodwill for about five dollars.
I have a few (LOL!) other projects on the needles, including stranded mittens in a delft-like design I improvised based on some plates I saw online, several socks (yes, I'm still working on the Clown Socks, I have a few more inches of instep left before I turn the heel), and a narrow Clapotis scarf out of Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk I found on sale at
Hither & Yarn.
I need some exercise, so I'm going to go take a walk and then work on my sweater for a while.