10 June 2012


Well, folks, the great Vermont experiment is at an end. I have returned to the land of jobs (and I know those of you here are saying, "what jobs?!?" but trust me, there are more here than there) and stuff-within-walking-distance to put my life back on track. I'm busy unpacking, trying to get used to having roommates, and spending time with friends and family again.

I've learned some lessons in the last three years, and I hope they'll make the sailing a bit smoother. Some are fiber lessons, some are relationship lessons, and some are life-in-general lessons.

1. Do background checks on potential partners. If someone is known for being a liar, cheat, and womanizer, don't think you can fix him, no matter how different he seems when he's with you. Also, allow partners' exes to get in touch with you, because while they may be whackadoos, they may also have sound warnings that, if acted upon, could save you from heartbreak.

2. Swatches lie, especially in cotton. Expect to re-knit that one stupid hat four times before you finally get the cast-on count correct.

3. Trust your instincts. They're usually right. Don't mistake hope for gut feeling, though... they're decidedly different. (This applies to everything from knitting to cooking, from relationships to jobs.)

4. Unless you're a self-sufficient artist, a teacher, you live in Burlington, or you know the right people, there are no decent jobs in Vermont.

5. Online job applications are stupid.

6. As Marilyn said, if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best. That's your problem, not mine.

7. People don't run out of compassion or sympathy, they run out of maturity. Big difference.

8. If the situation is life-threatening, move out quickly. If it's just uncomfortable, take your time, and have the yard sale before you pack the truck!

9. Don't live a certain way just because other people think you should. It's your life. If they have a problem with it, then they shouldn't be part of it, because they're clearly not your friends.

10. Blocking is magic. Seriously.

PS. I'm having a yard sale on the 16th. Email lilithparker at gmail for more info. There will be furniture, kitchenware, and some random bits and pieces.

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