Thank you so much for your interest in the Greenery hat. I'm working on a pattern, I promise. Some of the cabling happens across the end of one row and the beginning of the next, and I'm still trying to figure out how to write that in a coherent way. It should be ready sometime in the next week.
I've been churning out simple stockinette hats during my lunch breaks and after school, finishing one every two or three days. I've gotten really good at hand-winding center-pull balls, which is a necessity given my lack of a ball-winder. Speaking of which, I put one (and a few other knitterly-type things) on my Amazon wish list, because I'm a gift whore. *wink*
School is going really well. I need to study for my theory tests a bit more, but I'm third in the class in the shop. We've finished gas welding and have moved onto arc welding, which is a little bit scary and requires a bit more finesse than gas welding does. It's scary because I'm essentially holding a jumper cable in one hand and running a current through a rod that creates an arc of electricity to the plate I'm welding, melting the rod and the plate together. Playing with electricity is fun!
Okay, I do have one (year-old) picture to show you, since I've been on a hat kick lately. The yarn was probably Wool-Ease (I love that stuff) and it was probably done on US#8 needles (or maybe 6s). The subtle knit-and-purl argyle pattern is from Lesley Stanfield's The New Knitting Stitch Library (p.40, #57).

He usually flips up the ribbing so he can, y'know, see and stuff.
On another topic, are any of the locals going to the Equine Affaire at the Big E on Saturday? I'll be there, same bright pink vest, knitting out of my Lopi bag. Feel free to drag me away from the people I'll be with.
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