This is Hendree, my sister's cat. This cat is insane, and extremely intelligent. She was a stray my sister found on campus a while back. After a week of watching the cat eat out of garbage cans, sis caught her and brought her home. After half an hour, Dad, who had been very strict about his "no more furry pets" rule, started saying, "well, she's a sweet cat... maybe we don't need to bring her to the Humane Society." There will be a video of her antics on YouTube as soon as I pester the person who's going to upload it for me.

Y'all remember Sassafrass, right? She saw me taking pics of the cat and wanted to examine the camera. Surprisingly, the flash didn't seem to bother her. She's nine years old, seven of which have been spent with me, and she's a retired racer. She loves snow, chasing bunnies and 'possums, and meeting new humans. Other dogs either scare her or get ignored, except for the greyhounds.
We have another cat, Witch Hazel ("Haze" or "Marble"), but she doesn't like to be photographed. We call her marble because she's a bit on the heavy side (runt of the litter, eats like an alpha), and when she sits down she looks like a marble with a head and a tail.
Time to think about sleep now. G'night, all.
Does Hendree have a little white chin? Because if she does, she looks exactly like my dearly departed Charlotte. And tuxedo cats are known for their personalities, which can be good OR bad!
I'd love to see a pattern for the Greenery hat - its beautiful, and I've just decided that ... hats are the new socks, or something. I could use something like that for gift knitting. I could probably figure it out myself but ... it would be nicer if you did it. ;-)
Janna: Nope, no white on the chin. Her "lips" have a hint of white around them, though.
Cassie: Workin' on it, I swear! ;)
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